
If you want to know the outcome of these events,
Pray consult the story related in the following chapter


Praise for Volume 1: "[I]t is time to remind ourselves that The Plum in the Golden Vase is not just about sex, whether the numerous descriptions of sexual acts throughout the novel be viewed as titillating, harshly realistic, or, in Mr. Roy's words, intended 'to express in the most powerful metaphor available to him the author's contempt for the sort of persons who indulge in them.' The novel is a sprawling panorama of life and times in urban China翻譯社 allegedly set safely in the Sung dynasty翻譯社 but transparently contemporary to the author's late sixteenth-century world, as scores of internal references demonstrate. The eight hundred or so men翻譯社 women, and children who appear in the book cover a breath-taking variety of human types, and encompass pretty much every imaginable mood and genre--from sadism to tenderness翻譯社 from light humor to philosophical musings, from acute social commentary to outrageous satire."


An adventurous childhood
David Roy: My parents went to China as Presbyterian missionaries in 1930 and spent their first two years in Beijing attending an intensive Chinese language program. My father was very good at learning languages and eventually lectured in Chinese at the University of Nanjing as a professor in the philosophy department. They moved to Nanjing in 1932 and I was born there in 1933 in the Drum Tower Hospital.
Our family returned to the United States on furlough in 1936. When the Sino-Japanese war broke out in 1937, the University of Nanjing moved to Chengdu翻譯社 the capital of Sichuan province. We returned to China in 1938 and stayed in Chengdu until 1945.
I had a very adventurous childhood. In 1938–39 the Japanese bombed Chengdu翻譯社 sometimes five or six times a week. Fortunately there was a very good air-raid warning system so we would spend the night in a dugout in our yard. Because of this the Canadian School, which I attended, closed down and moved to the countryside. My younger brother [J. Stapleton Roy翻譯社 US Ambassador to China翻譯社 1991–95] and I were tutored by faculty members from the various universities in the city. We didn’t have any formal schooling between 1939 and 1945.
We returned to the United States while my father got his PhD at Princeton from 1945 to 1948. When we got back to China, I went to boarding school at the Shanghai American School for the 1948–49 academic year. The civil war in China was going on and every few weeks the Communist armies got closer to Nanjing and Shanghai. My parents decided that since they had gone to China as missionaries, their purpose was to communicate their faith regardless of the political situation. Instead of fleeing from the Communists翻譯社 they decided to see if they could stick it out.
The Shanghai American School had about 400 students when the school year started. Every time the Communist army moved closer翻譯社 a certain number of parents would withdraw their kids and send them back to the United States or wherever they came from. By May 1949, when the Communists took the city, there were only 16 of us left out of the original 400. In fact翻譯社 I took my final exam in tenth-grade geometry the day the Communists marched into Shanghai.


One of the Chin P’ing Mei’s many wonders is how it immerses its readers into a complex, dizzying world of 16th century Chinese color, food, smell, sound, song, poem翻譯社 and even a couple baojuan. In order to understand that world and faithfully render it into English, Dr. Roy had to first understand all the pieces that fed into the novel’s plot. As such, his office is packed翻譯社 floor to ceiling, with thousands of books gathered in the years since his teenage shopping expeditions in Nanjing. Even a few from then.





美國知名漢學家、芝加哥大學聲譽退休傳授芮效衛(David Tod Roy)20160530日於芝城過世,1933年在南京誕生的他,於19822016年間,投注30年心力,完成中國四大奇書之一「金瓶梅」(The Plum in the Golden Vase)全五冊英文翻譯翻譯



 Illustration from The Plum in the Golden Vase

I started dreaming of what it might be like to study traditional Chinese literature at the University of Chicago翻譯社 where Dr. Roy still worked tirelessly on his translation. My advisor patiently helped me with reading through some of the novel in Chinese, one chapter per week for two semesters. It was the first Chinese literature that captured my attention so deeply that I found myself caring about the characters. Laughing at their jokes. Feeling sad at their deaths.


翻譯公司們台灣的佛光大學曾於20151214 舉行芝加哥大學聲譽退休傳授芮效衛(David Tod Roy)贈書特展會很可惜因故芮傳授沒法再度蒞臨台灣.芮教授的去世使得國際間研究中國文學的人材翻譯社越來越少數,他是真實的中國通翻譯社從小在中國社會成長,歷經各種政權,戰爭,時空轉移,他都親身經歷事實翻譯社親身體驗到人世間的喜,怒,哀,樂,悲,歡,離,合以及市井平民的糊口和社會實際,芮氏的平生的年華是為中國而生而活,天成翻譯社們落空了如許子的故友,不堪噓唏翻譯社人生少之又少的時代,在芮氏平生都親臨,但願他的來世投身為中國人好好ˇ的再度咀嚼.






美國漢學家芮效衛(David Tod Roy)530日在芝加哥歸天,享年83歲。芮效衛是芝加哥大學榮譽退休傳授,他曾用30年時候將《金瓶梅》譯成英文出書。